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Graham St John
Past research projects.
Projects: Welcome
Senior Research Fellow on the Swiss National Science Foundation project "Burning Progeny: The European Efflorescence of Burning Man", Dept of Social Science, University of Fribourg (2016-2019).
Weekend Societies: Electronic Dance Music Festivals and Event-Cultures (Bloomsbury 2017).
Mystery School in Hyperspace: A Cultural History of DMT (North Atlantic Books 2015).
Global Tribe: Technology, Spirituality and Psytrance (Equinox 2012). My multi-methods monograph and cultural history exploring the integrated role of technologies and spirituality in global psytrance.
The Local Scenes and Global Culture of Psytrance (edited collection, Routledge 2010). The first book to address the diverse transnationalism of psytrance.
Technomad: Global Raving Countercultures (Equinox 2009). My cultural history of global electronic dance music countercultures.
Victor Turner and Contemporary Cultural Performance (edited collection, Berghahn, 2008). Published upon the 25th anniversary of his death, this collection features contributions reflecting the wide application of Victor Turner's thought to cultural performance in the early 21st Century.
Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. As coordinator for Religions, Nature and Culture in Oceania, from 2001-2003, I was an associate editor of this project edited by Bron Taylor.
Rave Culture and Religion. An edited collection of scholarship at the nexus of rave culture and religion published with Routledge in 2004.
FreeNRG: Notes from the Edge of the Dance Floor. An anthology of the work by a dozen authors (in print and fre-ebook) on Australian doof culture, at the nexus of protest and party.
Earthdream2000. A transcontinental technomadic protestival around Australia and East Timor in 2000, inspiring writing and the FreeNRG collection.
From 1993-1999, doctoral research in social anthropology at Latrobe University, Melbourne. The project investigated Australia's alternative lifestyle festival, ConFest. My PhD thesis, "Alternative Cultural Heterotopia: ConFest as Australia's Marginal Centre" (1999).
Projects: Text
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