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Graham St John
Publications: Welcome
Many full publications are accessible on and ResearchGate.
Edited journal issue. "Event Horizons: Transformational Festivals, Cultures and Movements" co-guest edited issue (with Sarah Pike) of Journal of Festive Studies # 5.
"Transfestive Horizons: An Introduction." Journal of Festive Studies # 5: 11-40.
(with Botond Vitos), “Burnerverse: The Borderland, Midburn, and the Global Event Culture of Burning Man,” Journal of Festive Studies # 5: 41-67. ”
Edited journal issue. "Psychedelica and Electronica," Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture, 15(1) (co-edited with Trace Reddell).
(with Trace Reddell), "Introduction" to "Psychedelica and Electronica," Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture, 15(1):, 4-12.
"The Voice of the Apocalypse: Terence McKenna as Raving Medium," Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture, 15(1): 61-91.
“Electronic Dance Music: Trance and Techno-Shamanism.” In Christopher Partridge and Marcus Moberg (eds), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Popular Music, 365-372. London: Bloomsbury. 2nd Edition.
(with Botond Vitos and François Gauthier),“Burning Man in Europe: Burns, Culture and Transformation.” In Maria Nita & Jeremy Kidwell eds., Festival Cultures: Mapping New Fields in the Arts and Social Sciences. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 87-114.
'Sherpagate’: Art, Tourists and Drama at Burning Man. In Maria Nita & Jeremy Kidwell (eds), Festival Cultures: Mapping New Fields in the Arts and Social Sciences. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 169-193.
(with Botond Vitos) Wurst Storm Rising: The Dadaist Legacy of Burning Man. Journal of Festive Studies, 3.1: 177—199.
Ephemeropolis: Burning Man, Transformation and Heterotopia. Journal of Festive Studies, Vol 2: 289-322.
Dramatic Heterotopia: The Participatory Spectacle of Burning Man. In Simon Ferdinand, Irina Souch and Daan Wesselman (eds), Interrupting Globalisation: Heterotopia in the Twenty-First Century, 178–194. New York: Routledge.
At Home in the Big Empty: Burning Man and the Playa Sublime. Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 13 (3): 286–313.
The Cultural Heroes of Do-ocracy: Burning Man, Catharsis on the Mall and Caps of Liberty. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies 15(1).
Divine Medium: DJs, Nanomedia and the Dance Floor. In The Cambridge Companion to Music in Digital Culture, edited by Nicholas Cook, Monique M. Ingalls, David Trippett, 168–169. Cambridge University Press.
Civilised Tribalism: Burning Man, Event-Tribes and Maker Culture. Cultural Sociology, 12(1): 3–21.
The Breakthrough Experience: DMT Hyperspace and its Liminal Aesthetics. Anthropology of Consciousness 29(1): 57–76.
Gnosis Potency: DMT Breakthroughs and Paragnosis. In Plant Medicines, Healing and Psychedelic Science: Cultural Perspectives, Beatriz C. Labate and Clancy Cavnar eds, 205–222. Cham: Springer.
The Pineal Enigma: The Dazzling Life and Times of the “Spirit Gland.” In DMT Dialogues: Encounters with the Spirit Molecule, David Luke and Rory Spowers eds, 8–37. Inner Traditions.
The Spirit Molecule, Aeon, 20 March.
The Big Empty, Aeon, 10 September.
(ed) Weekend Societies: Electronic Dance Music Festivals and Event-Cultures. New York: Bloomsbury.
Introduction: Dance Music Festivals and Event-Cultures. In Graham St John, ed., Weekend Societies: Electronic Dance Music Festivals and Event-Cultures, 1–21. New York: Bloomsbury.
Charms War: Dance Camps and Sound Cars at Burning Man. In Graham St John, ed., Weekend Societies: Electronic Dance Music Festivals and Event-Cultures, 219–244. New York: Bloomsbury.
Aussiewaska: A Cultural History of Changa and Ayahuasca Analogues in Australia. In Beatriz Labate, Clancy Cavnar and Alex Gearin, eds, The World Ayahuasca Diaspora: Reinventions and Controversies, 144–162. London: Routledge.
Blazing Grace: The Gifted Culture of Burning Man. NANO: New American Notes Online, 11 (July), Special issue “Economies of the Gift in an Age of Austerity” edited by Jennie Stearns and J.P. Craig.
Electronic Dance Music: Trance and Techno-Shamanism. In Chris Partridge and Marcus Moberg (eds) The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Popular Music, 278–285. London: Bloomsbury.
Hyperespace dans le cyberespace : DMT et méta-ritualisation. Drogues, santé et société, edited by Marc Perreault. 16 (2): 76–103.
“Victor Turner,” Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social Theory, edited by Bryan S. Turner, Kyung-Sup Chang, Cynthia F. Epstein, Peter Kivisto, J. Michael Ryan and William Outhwaite.
The DMT Gland: The Pineal, The Spirit Molecule, and Popular Culture. International Journal for the Study of New Religions, 7(2): 153–174.
Spiritechnics: Liminalité et techno-chamanisme dans la psytrance. In Sébastien Baud, ed. Anthropologies du corps en transe, 259–279. Paris: Connaissances et Savoirs.
Mystery School in Hyperspace: A Cultural History of DMT (Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books / Evolver).
Themed Journal Edition. Weekend Societies: EDM Festivals & Event-Cultures. Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture: 7(1)
Introduction to Weekend Societies: EDM Festivals & Event-Cultures. Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture: 7(1): 1–14.
Electronic Dance Music Events. In John Lyden and Eric Michael Mazur, eds. The Routledge Companion to Religion and Popular Culture, 336–355. New York: Routledge.
Liminal Being: Electronic Dance Music Cultures, Ritualization and the Case of Psytrance. In Andy Bennett and Steve Waksman (eds) The Sage Handbook of Popular Music, 243–260. London: Sage Publications.
Protestival: Global Days of Action and Carnivalised Politics at the Turn of the Millennium. In George McKay (ed), The Pop Festival: History, Music, Media, Culture, 129–148. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
(With Francois Gauthier) Burning Man’s Gift-Driven, Event-Centred Diaspora, Revue du MAUSS (24 January).
Goatrance Travellers: Psytrance and its Seasoned Progeny. In Simone Krüger and Ruxandra Trandafoiu (eds), The Globalization of Musics in Transit: Musical Migration and Tourism, pp. 160–182. New York: Routledge.
The Logics of Sacrifice at Visionary Arts Festivals. In Andy Bennett, Jodie Taylor and Ian Woodward (eds), The Festivalisation of Culture, 49–68. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Begoggled in the Theater of Awe: Electronic Dance Music Culture at Burning Man. In Samantha Krukowski, ed., Playa Dust: Collected Stories from Burning Man, 144–159. London: Black Dog Publishing.
Protestival: Global Days of Action and Carnivalized Politics in the Present. In Playgrounds: Reinventing the Square. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Rena Sofia, pp. 248–280. [Reprint]
“Victor Turner”. In Oxford Bibliographies in Anthropology. Ed. John Jackson. New York: Oxford University Press.
Aliens Are Us: CosmicLiminality, Remixticism and Alienation in Psytrance. Journal of Religion and Popular Culture. 25 (2): 186–204.
The Vibe of the Exiles: Aliens, Afropsychedelia and Psyculture. Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture 5(2): 56–87.
Writing the Vibe: Arts of Representation in Electronic Dance Music Culture. Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture 5(1):
Total Solar Eclipse Festivals, Cosmic Pilgrims and Planetary Culture. In Donna Weston and Andy Bennett (eds) Pop Pagans: Pagans and Popular Music, pp. 126–144. Durham: Acumen.
Indian Spirit: Amerindians and the Techno-Tribes of Psytrance. In James Mackay and David Stirrup (eds), Tribal Fantasies: Native Americans in the European Imagination, 1900-Present, pp. 173–195. New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
Victor Turner. Theory in Social and Cultural Anthropology, An Encyclopedia. Sage. Vol II, pp. 863–868 (3000 words).
Communitas. Theory in Social and Cultural Anthropology, An Encyclopedia. Sage. Vol I, pp. 128–129 (1000 words).
Global Tribe: Technology, Spirituality and Psytrance. Sheffield: Equinox Publishing.
. The Exodus of Psytrance?Themed Journal Edition. Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture. 4(1)
Seasoned Exodus: The Exile Mosaic of Psyculture. Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture 4(1): 4–37.
Freak Media: Vibe Tribes, Sampledelic Outlaws and Israeli Psytrance. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies. 26 (3): 437–447.
Altered Together: Dance Festivals and Cultural Life. In Barbara Rose Johnston, ed. Vital Topics Forum, On Happiness, 9–10. American Anthropologist 114(1): 6–18.
(with Chiara Baldini). Dancing at the Crossroads of Consciousness: Techno-Mysticism, Visionary Arts and Portugal’s Boom Festival. In Carole M. Cusack and Alex Norman (eds). Handbook of New Religions and Cultural Production, pp. 521–552. Leiden: Brill.
Divine Mothership of Trance: Boom 2010. In Daniel Pinchbeck and Ken Jordan (eds). Exploring the Edge Realms of Consciousness: Essays on Liminal States, Psychic Science, and the Hidden Dimensions of the Mind, 24–32. Evolver Editions.
Experience, Tribalism and Remixology in Global Psytrance Culture. In Courtney Bender and Ann Taves (eds), What Matters? Ethnographies of Value in a Not So Secular Age, pp. 248–275. New York: Columbia University Press.
Electronic Dance Music Culture and Religion: An Overview. In Mark J. Butler (ed) Electronica, Dance and Club Music, pp. 243–268. Surrey: Ashgate. [reprint]
Spiritual Technologies and Altering Consciousness in Contemporary Counterculture. In Etzel Cardeña and Michael Winkelman (eds) Altering Consciousness: A Multidisciplinary Perspective Vol I, pp 203–225. Praeger Perspectives.
The 2012 Movement, Visionary Arts and Psytrance Culture. In Joseph Gelfer (ed), 2012: Decoding the Countercultural Apocalypse, pp. 123–143. Sheffield & Bristol, CT: Equinox Publishing.
Rave From the Grave: Dark Trance and the Return of the Dead. In Cory James Rushton and Christopher M. Moreman (eds), Zombies Are Us: Essays on the Humanity of the Walking Dead, pp. 24–39. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland.
Cosmic Vibe: Total Solar Eclipse Festivals. In Tom Rom and Pascal Querner, Goa: 20 Years of Psychedelic Trance. Nachtschatten Verlag, Solothurn/Switzerland. Book/DVD (Dec 2011).
DJ Goa Gil: Kalifornian Exile, Dark Yogi and Dreaded Anomaly. Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture 3(1). 97–128.
Party, Love and Profit: The Rhythms of the Love Parade (Interview with Wolfgang Sterneck). Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture 2(1).
Remixtical Experiences and the 'Pink Packet'. Entheogenesis Australis Journal 3 (2011/2012): 87-91.
(ed) The Local Scenes and Global Culture of Psytrance. London: Routledge.
Psytrance: An Introduction. In Graham St John (ed) The Local Scenes and Global Culture of Psytrance, pp. 1–17. New York: Routledge.
Liminal Culture and Global Movement: The Transitional World of Psytrance. In Graham St John (ed) The Local Scenes and Global Culture of Psytrance, pp. 220–246. New York: Routledge.
Making a Noise—Making a Difference: Techno-Punk and Terra-ism. Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture 1(2): 1–28.
Sound System Nation: Jamaica. Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture, 1(2).
Technomad: Global Raving Countercultures. London: Equinox Publishing.
Neotrance and the Psychedelic Festival. Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture 1(1): 35–64.
Noon, Black Rock City. Dancecult: Journal of Electronic Dance Music Culture, 1(1).
[Book review] ‘Subcultures?’ Ken Gelder’s Subcultures: Cultural Histories and Social Practice. Routledge, London and New York, 2007. In Cultural Studies Review , 15(1): 217-20.
(ed) Victor Turner and Contemporary Cultural Performance. London, New York: Berghahn.
Victor Turner and Contemporary Cultural Performance: An Introduction. In Graham St John (ed) Victor Turner and Contemporary Cultural Performance, 1–37. New York: Berghahn.
Trance Tribes and Dance Vibes: Victor Turner and Electronic Dance Music Culture, in Graham St John (ed) Victor Turner and Contemporary Cultural Performance, 149–173. New York: Berghahn.
Dancing in the Realm. In Rak Razam and Tim Parish (eds), The Journeybook: Travels on the Frontiers of Consciousness. Melbourne: Undergrowth Inc, 9-14.
The Gathering of the Trance Tribes: Surfing the Novelty Wave at Boom. Boom Book. Good Mood Productions (January).
Protestival: Global Days of Action and Carnivalized Politics in the Present. Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social, Cultural and Political Protest. 7(2): 167–190.
Themed Journal Edition. Electronic Dance Music Culture and Religion. Journal of Culture and Religion. 7(1).
Electronic Dance Music Culture and Religion: An Overview. Culture and Religion. 7(1): 1–26.
Reclaiming the Future: Going Feral and Becoming Native at Goolengook. In Lynne Hume and Kathleen McPhillips (eds) Popular Spiritualities: The Politics of Contemporary Enchantment, pp. 187–196. Aldershot: Ashgate.
Outback Vibes: Sound Systems on the Road to Legitimacy. Postcolonial Studies: Culture, Politics, Economy, 8(3): 321–336.
Off Road Show: Techno, Protest and Feral Theatre. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, 19(1): 7–22.
Australia. Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. Continuum Publications, pp. 133–136 (3000 words).
Ferality. Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. Continuum Publications, pp. 650–652 (1000 words).
Keepers of Lake Eyre. Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. Continuum Publications, pp. 956–957 (750 words).
Raves. Encyclopedia of Religion and Nature. Continuum Publications, pp. 1347-1349 (1500 words).
[book review] Tim Lawrence’s Love Saves the Day: A History of American Dance Music Culture, 1970-1979. Duke University Press, Durham and London, 2003, in Media International Australia 117:160-161.
(ed). Rave Culture and Religion. London, New York: Routledge.
Introduction. In Graham St John (ed), Rave Culture and Religion, pp.1–15 London: Routledge.
The Difference Engine: Liberation and the Rave Imaginary. In Graham St John (ed), Rave Culture and Religion, pp. 19–45. London: Routledge.
Techno Millennium: Dance, Ecology and Future Primitives. In Graham St John (ed), Rave Culture and Religion, pp. 213–235. London: Routledge.
Counter Tribes, Global Protests and Carnivals of Reclamation. Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice 16(4): 421–428.
Global "Protestival": Reclaiming the Streets and the Future. M/C Reviews ‘Objection or Obstruction: The Culture of Protest in the 21st Century' (November).
Post-Rave Technotribalism and the Carnival of Protest. In Muggleton, D and Weinzierl, R (eds) The Post-Subcultures Reader, pp. 65–82. London: Berg.
Edited collection. FreeNRG: Notes From the Edge of the Dance Floor. Altona: Common Ground.
Introduction: Techno Inferno. In Graham St John (ed) FreeNRG: Notes From the Edge of the Dance Floor, pp. 1-6. Altona: Common Ground.
Doof! Australian Post Rave Culture. In Graham St John (ed) FreeNRG: Notes From the Edge of the Dance Floor, pp. 9–36. Altona: Common Ground.
Techno Terra-ism: Feral Systems and Sound Futures. In Graham St John (ed) FreeNRG: Notes From the Edge of the Dance Floor, pp. 109–137.Altona: Common Ground.
Australian (Alter)natives: Cultural Drama and Indigeneity. Social Analysis: Journal of Cultural and Social Practice, 45(1): 122–40.
Alternative Cultural Heterotopia and the Liminoid Body: Beyond Turner at ConFest. The Australian Journal of Anthropology, 12(1): 47–66.
‘Heal thy Self - thy Planet’: ConFest, Eco-Spirituality and the Self/Earth Nexus. Australian Religion Studies Review, 14 (1): 97-112.
The Battle of the Bands: ConFest Musics and the Politics of Authenticity. Perfect Beat: The Pacific Journal of Research into Contemporary Music and Popular Culture. 5(2): 69–90.
Earthdreaming for a Nuclear Free Future. Arena Magazine (2001) 53, pp. 41-44.
[book review] John Patterson’s People of the Land: A Pacific Philosophy, Dunmoore Press, in Worldviews: Environment, Culture, Religion 2000, 5(2):242-44.
Ferals: Terra-ism and Radical Ecologism in Australia. Journal of Australian Studies 24(64): 208–16.
ConFest: Edgecentral and the Feraliens. In A. Dearling and M Hanley (eds). Alternative Australia: Celebrating Cultural Diversity, pp. 83–88. Enabler Publications.
Ferality: A Life of Grime. The UTS Review - Cultural Studies and New Writing, 5(2):101–13.
The Story of ConFest. Green Connections (1998/99), 21: 24-5.
Going Feral: Authentica on the Edge of Australian Culture. The Australian Journal of Anthropology 8(2): 167–189.
Other writings
Cosmic Theshold: Eclipse2012 Festival. Reality Sandwich (12 Oct 2012).
Dancing in the Cosmic Sweet Spot: Total Solar Eclipse Gatherings. Reality Sandwich (18 June 2012).
Boom Festival 2010: Divine Mothership of Trance. Reality Sandwich (24 September, 2010).
Ozora: Field of Dreams. Undergrowth (October 2009).
Burning Time: Begoggled in the Mega-Vibe @ Burning Man. Undergrowth (November 2007).
Dionysus Now: The Island of Fire and the Immortal Present. Undergrowth (July 2007).
Dancing in the Realm: Life, Fusion, Boom Festivals. Undergrowth (September 2006).
Soulclipse: Chasing the Progression. Undergrowth (April 2006).
Land of the Long White Sock. In Undergrowth Magazine Issue 2: Terra Poetica (2004).
Publications: Text
Publications: Image
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